11 Of Our Favorite Horror Collections And Anthologies From 2022
December signals the close of another year. The woods and their strange shrieks (we think they’re foxes, but no one in my neighborhood’s seen a fox around) are replaced with disquietingly empty silence, the chill has (finally) reached the air, and the dark descends like a silent safety curtain over us all. And as the nights grow shorter, our minds turn once again to the realm of shorter things–in this case, horror collections and anthologies.
2022 had an amazing run of short stories, everything from modern masters remixing older forms, some of horror’s best hitting us with collections of nothing but the best, new voices taking some amazing risks (that paid off), and all of it’s been utterly amazing. So once again, here is our list of our eleven favorites for this year. While it’s by no means definitive, it is, all of it, incredibly good.
Editor’s note: don’t miss our picks for five of the year’s best themed anthologies as well!