Announcing Black Tide, a New Novel from KC Jones

Announcing Black Tide, a New Novel from KC Jones

Announcing Black Tide, a New Novel from KC Jones - 641

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KC Jones’ Black Tide, a character-driven science fiction/horror novel that explores what happens after a cataclysmic event leaves the world crawling with nightmares, will be published by Nightfire in May 2022!

A story with a cinematic feel, Black Tide is Cujo meets A Quiet Place.

It was just another day at the beach. And then the world ended.

Mike and Beth didn’t know each other existed before the night of the meteor shower. A melancholy film producer and a house sitter barely scraping by, chance made them neighbors, a bottle of champagne brought them together, and a shared need for human connection sparked something more.

After a drunken and desperate one-night-stand, the two strangers awake to discover a surprise astronomical event has left widespread destruction in its wake. But the cosmic lightshow was only a part of something much bigger, and far more terrifying. When a set of lost car keys leaves them stranded on an empty stretch of Oregon coast, when their emergency calls go unanswered and inhuman screams echo from the dunes, when the rising tide reaches for the car and unspeakable horrors close in around them, these two self-destructive souls must find in each other the strength to overcome past pain and the fight to survive a nightmare of apocalyptic scale.

Here’s what Kristin Temple, assistant editor at Nightfire, has to say about Black Tide:

“I knew Black Tide was going to be something special within the first few pages. KC Jones has an incredible gift for dropping his characters into terrible situations and making things worse for them at every turn. His writing captivated me, surprised me, and truly blew me away. He perfectly captures the claustrophobic, creeping terror of a world-ending event, while weaving in this wonderful backbone of hope and camaraderie. This book hits a perfect sweet spot between horror and science fiction, and I can’t wait to share it with readers!”

And from KC Jones himself:

“The first spark for Black Tide came after losing my car keys on a deserted stretch of beach along Oregon’s north coast. Fortunately, I had a spare set, but as we were driving back to the hotel, I couldn’t help imagining what might have happened if we’d been stranded there, if the tide had come in and the sun gone down and strange things started emerging from the dunes. I played with that idea for years, but couldn’t quite figure out what the story was that I wanted to tell.

Then, during a very dark point in my life, I revisited Mike and Beth on that beach for NaNoWriMo, and I just let it all out. It was like screaming into the void for thirty days straight. The result was raw and messy and cathartic, but it rekindled not just my love of the story, but of writing in general, right when I needed it the most. And that’s what Black Tide ultimately revealed itself to be: a story about the power of hope when all seems lost; about finding the strength to keep going, even when the way is lined with teeth.”

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After graduating from the University of Nevada – Las Vegas with a degree in film production, KC Jones returned to the Pacific Northwest to focus on a career in screenwriting, before making the leap to novels. When not writing, he likes to cook, explore the local wilderness, and play video and board games.

Black Tide will hit shelves in May 2022!

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