Escape Rooms: 6 Intense Closed-Circle Horror Books

Escape Rooms: 6 Intense Closed-Circle Horror Books

Escape Rooms: 6 Intense Closed-Circle Horror Books - 102

Escape Rooms: 6 Intense Closed-Circle Horror Books

One of the best things about horror is that it’s intimate. No matter whether it’s set in a small town or a simple motel room, you can still feel all the scares the authors want you to. The more someplace is cut off from the outside world, the better, too. It’s more intense, and pushing people into charged situations in tight spaces tends to raise the emotional stakes faster. There’s even a name for such stories, “closed-circle” horror, or “closed-loop” horror, referring to how the main action (barring flashbacks and such) is confined to one space with very little influence from the outside–the literary equivalent of a bottle episode. While it’s a rich field, to be sure, and one where it’s relatively difficult to play favorites, we’ve provided a starter selection of six closed-circle horror novels to at least give you an idea of what the genre looks like. 







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